Results for 'Muriel T. N. Panouillères'

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  1.  27
    Oculomotor Adaptation Elicited By Intra-Saccadic Visual Stimulation: Time-Course of Efficient Visual Target Perturbation.Muriel T. N. Panouillères, Valerie Gaveau, Jeremy Debatisse, Patricia Jacquin, Marie LeBlond & Denis Pélisson - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2. La innovación en los centros. PolÃticas tecnológicas y planes educativos de las administraciones españolas.Sebastiá N. Muriel - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad 78:115-116.
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  3. Secularism revisited: doctrine of destiny or political ideology?T. N. Madan - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra, Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Bertrand Russell's philosophy of sense-data.T. N. Ganapathy - 1984 - Madras: Dept. of Philosophy, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College.
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    3D quantitative image analysis of open-cell nickel foams under tension and compression loading using X-ray microtomography.T. Dillard, F. N’Guyen, E. Maire, L. Salvo, S. Forest *, Y. Bienvenu, J. -D. Bartout, M. Croset, R. Dendievel & P. Cloetens - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (19):2147-2175.
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  6. Responsible Pain Medicine.T. N. Rieder, D. Manoharan & V. V. Altiery De Jesus - 2022 - In Ezio Di Nucci, Ji-Young Lee & Isaac A. Wagner, The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of Bioethics. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  7. Thereafter: New from Nietzsche.T. N. Klass - 2004 - Philosophische Rundschau 51 (4):314-340.
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  8. The Comparison of Civilizations.T. N. Madan - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian, Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 180--191.
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    Cortical unit activity and the functional significance of the sleep-wakefulness cycle.T. N. Oniani - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):500-500.
  10. Soznanie v sovremennom mire.T. N. Brysina - 1993 - Saratov: Izd-vo Saratovskogo universiteta. Edited by M. V. Salikhov.
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  11. Examining the impact of a comprehensive approach to student orientation.T. N. Hollins - 2009 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 14 (1):15-27.
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    Nauka v razlichnykh izmerenii︠a︡kh: sbornik nauchnykh trudov II Mezhdunarodnoĭ teoretiko-prakticheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, posvi︠a︡shchennoĭ pami︠a︡ti doktora filosofskikh nauk, professora Georgii︠a︡ Fedorovicha Mironova.T. N. Brysina & G. F. Mironov (eds.) - 2010 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: UlGTU.
    Книга включает материал, охватывающий основной курс проблем философии науки, социологии и истории знания, научного творчества, являющихся сферой интересов Г. Ф. Миронова. В качестве специального раздела представлены работы молодых исследователей.
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  13. Upaniṣatsāra saṅgraha: (kattaleyinda beḷakige ātmada prayāṇa).T. N. Raghavendra - 2021 - Beṅgaḷūru: Prakr̥ti Prakāśana.
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    Who Is a Sikh? The Problem of Sikh Identity.T. N. Madan & W. H. McLeod - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):418.
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  15. Mir glazami materialista: o marksistsko-leninskoĭ filosofii: rekomendatelʹnyĭ bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ.T. N. Malysheva, N. V. Loshchenkova & Gosudarstvennaia Biblioteka Sssr Imeni V. Lenina (eds.) - 1986 - Moskva: "Kniga".
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    Muzykalʹnai︠a︡ faktura.T. N. Krasnikova & M. S. Skrebkova-Filatova (eds.) - 2001 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ muzyki im. Gnesinykh.
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    The power of language in medicine. Case study: mongolism.T. N. Stevenson - 2009 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 72 (4):4.
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    David Crook, ed., The Great Roll of the Pipe for the Fifth Year of the Reign of King Henry III, Michaelmas 1221 (Pipe Roll 65).(Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, 86 [ns 48].) London: Pipe Roll Society, 1990. Pp. lxi, 371. [REVIEW]T. N. Bisson - 1993 - Speculum 68 (1):129-130.
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    Catholics and Unbelievers in Eighteenth Century France. [REVIEW]N. L. T. - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):23.
  20.  35
    Common time in a four-dimensional symmetry framework.J. P. Hsu & T. N. Sherry - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (1-2):57-76.
    Following the ideas of Poincaré, Reichenbach, and Grunbaum concerning the convention of setting up clock systems, we analyze clock systems and light propagation within the framework of four-dimensional symmetry. It is possible to construct a new four-dimensional symmetry framework incorporatingcommon time: observers in different inertial frames of reference use one and the same clock system, which is located in any one of the frames. Consequently, simultaneity has a meaning independent of position and independent of frame of reference. A further consequence (...)
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    Relative sample control: A quantitative procedure for assessing transfer effects in conditional discrimination problems.Jo W. Tombaugh, T. N. Tombaugh & Angelo Santi - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):245-248.
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    Losevskie chtenii︠a︡: trudy Vserossiĭskoĭ ezhegodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, g. Novocherkassk, maĭ 2013.T. N. Voront︠s︡ova (ed.) - 2014 - Novocherkassk: Lik.
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    The Leges Clodiae and Obnuntiatio.T. N. Mitchell - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):172-.
    One of four laws passed by Clodius early in 58 b.c. in some way modified the regulations governing obnuntiatio, the right possessed by magistrates and augurs to obstruct proceedings of the popular assemblies through announcement of unfavourable omens. The precise nature of the change is obscured by the fact that our main source, Cicero, describes it, as he does all of Clodius' legislation, in hyperbolic and polemical terms, alleging that it wholly abolished the right of obnuntiatio, a claim contradicted by (...)
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    Facial Attention and Spacetime Fragments.T. N. Davies & D. D. Hoffman - 2003 - Axiomathes 13 (3):303-327.
    Inverting a face impairs perception of its features and recognition of its identity. Whether faces are special in this regard is a current topic of research and debate. Kanizsa studied the role of facial features and environmental context in perceiving the emotion and identity of upright and inverted faces. He found that observers are biased to interpret faces in a retinal coordinate frame, and that this bias is readily overruled by increased realism of facial features, but not easily overruled by (...)
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    The philosophy of the Tamil Siddhas.T. N. Ganapathy - 1993 - New Delhi: Affiliated East West Press.
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    Recollections of Simone de Beauvoir.T. N. F. Murtagh - 1987 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 4 (1):35-48.
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  27. Filosofii︠a︡ i chelovek.V. P. Rachkov & T. N. Grashchenkova (eds.) - 1993 - Moskva: In-t filosofii Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk.
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  28. The Kantian Approach to Reality.T. N. Ganapathy - 1982 - Kant Studien 73 (4):472.
  29. An evaluation of P brailas-armenis' claim concerning the idea of the miraculous.T. N. Pelegrinis - 1985 - Diotima 13:104 - 107.
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    Noosfera : poiski garmonii.T. N. Suminova - 2005 - Moskva: Akademicheskiĭ proekt.
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    A discriminating case against anhedonia.T. N. Tombaugh - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):77-78.
  32.  39
    Effects of variations in volume of sucrose and water on persistence of nonreinforced performance in the white rat.T. N. Tombaugh & J. L. McCloskey - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (2):155.
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    Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling: In Honor of Herbert Scarf.Timothy J. Kehoe, T. N. Srinivasan & John Whalley (eds.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2005 volume brings together twelve papers by many of the most prominent applied general equilibrium modelers honoring Herbert Scarf, the father of equilibrium computation in economics. It deals with developments in applied general equilibrium, a field which has broadened greatly since the 1980s. The contributors discuss some traditional as well as some modern topics in the field, including non-convexities in economy-wide models, tax policy, developmental modeling and energy modeling. The book also covers a range of distinct approaches, conceptual issues (...)
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  34. Facial Attention and Spacetime Fragments.T. N. Davies & D. D. Hoffman - 2003 - Global Philosophy 13 (3-4):303-327.
    Inverting a face impairs perception of its features and recognition of its identity. Whether faces are special in this regard is a current topic of research and debate. Kanizsa studied the role of facial features and environmental context in perceiving the emotion and identity of upright and inverted faces. He found that observers are biased to interpret faces in a retinal coordinate frame, and that this bias is readily overruled by increased realism of facial features, but not easily overruled by (...)
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  35. The social philosophy of Shri swaminarayan.T. N. Ganapathy - 1981 - In Sahajānanda, New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy. Ahmedabad: Bochasanwasi Shri Aksharpurushottam Sanstha. pp. 1.
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    Louis Dumont on India and the West.T. N. Madan - 2004 - In Said Amir Arjomand & Edward A. Tiryakian, Rethinking Civilizational Analysis. Sage Publications. pp. 52--180.
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  37. Lenin v borʹbe s Makhizmom.T. N. Gornshteĭn - 1935
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    Teorii︠a︡ funkt︠s︡iĭ prava: monografii︠a︡.T. N. Radʹko - 2014 - Moskva: Prospekt.
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    Effects of sucrose rewards on the overtraining extinction effect.W. Barnes & T. N. Tombaugh - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (3):355.
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    Buddhist Sculptures from a Stupa near Goli Village, Guntur District.W. Norman Brown & T. N. Ramachandran - 1932 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 52 (1):90.
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    Tiruparuttikunram and Its Temples.W. Norman Brown & T. N. Ramachandran - 1934 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 54 (4):438.
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    Critical comments on “On the constancy of the velocity of light”.J. P. Hsu & T. N. Sherry - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (7-8):609-614.
    A new theory of four-dimensional symmetry introduced by Hsu has been criticized as logically inconsistent. We answer the criticisms that have been raised and show that in fact this theory is not logically inconsistent.
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  43.  20
    Leader Humility and Knowledge Sharing Intention: A Serial Mediation Model.Diep T. N. Nguyen, Stephen T. T. Teo, Beni Halvorsen & Warren Staples - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    PurposeThis paper examines the influence of leader humility on knowledge sharing intention. Drawing on social exchange theory, we test the direct and indirect mechanisms to explain the influence leader humility has on knowledge sharing intention.Design/Methodology/ApproachA two-wave, time-lagged field study was conducted. We surveyed 252 professional employees from Australia.FindingsResults show a significant direct, positive association between leader humility and knowledge sharing intention. While leader humility had a direct, positive association with affective trust in supervisor and work engagement, it did not directly (...)
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    Means and ways of engaging, communicating and preserving local soil knowledge of smallholder farmers in Central Vietnam.Ha T. N. Huynh, Lisa A. Lobry de Bruyn, Oliver G. G. Knox & Hoa T. T. Hoang - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (3):1039-1062.
    Increasing interest in farmers’ local soil knowledge and soil management practice as a way to promote sustainable agriculture and soil conservation needs a reliable means to connect to it. This study sought to examine if Visual Soil Assessment and farmer workshops were suitable means to engage, communicate and preserve farmers’ LSK in two mountainous communes of Central Vietnam. Twenty-four farmers with reasonable or comprehensive LSK from previously studied communes were selected for the efficacy of VSA and farmer workshops for integrating (...)
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  45.  21
    Vedic Texts: A Revision: Prof. C. G. Kashikar Felicitation Volume.Edwin Gerow, T. N. Dharmadhikari, R. S. Shastri, N. P. Jain & S. S. Bahulkar - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):178.
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    Effects on performance of placing a visual cue at different temporal locations within a constant delay interval.J. W. Tombaugh & T. N. Tombaugh - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (2):220.
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    Romantic human study: Peculiarities of personality philosophy in the literature of the 1820-1830-ies.T. N. Zhuzhgina-Allahverdian & S. A. Ostapenko - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:155-167.
    Purpose. The purpose of the study is to show the connection of romanticism with the anthropological doctrine that goes back to Hegelianism and Kantianism, and at the same time – with the concepts of the future, structuralism and postmodernism. Theoretical basis. The man is a central figure of the Romantic literary, therefore it makes sense to single out romantic human anthropological doctrine and the image of man associated with a specific historical and cultural era called the "epoch of romanticism"; to (...)
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  48.  50
    La Logique D'une Idée-Force: L'idée D'utilité Sociale et la Révolution Française (1789-1792). [REVIEW]N. L. T. - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (8):222-223.
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    Globalization and the Real Practice of Marital Relations in Modern Muslim Countries.T. N. Shamsutdynova-Lebedyuk - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:95-107.
    The word globalization has already made it into our lexicon, though the term itself has appeared relatively recently. It is believed that it was first introduced into scientific circulation by the American economist R. Robertson in 1985. Under this concept began to bring various processes of the exit of social life in all its dimensions beyond individual countries and regions. The interpretation of this term in dictionaries, encyclopedias, as well as in individual studies often depends on the specificity of the (...)
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    Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease by Using SPECT Imaging and Biomarkers.Bhanu Prasad, T. N. Nagabhushan & Gunjan Pahuja - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1329-1344.
    Precise and timely diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is important to control its progression among subjects. Currently, a neuroimaging technique called dopaminergic imaging that uses single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with 123I-Ioflupane is popular among clinicians for detecting Parkinson’s disease in early stages. Unlike other studies, which consider only low-level features like gray matter, white matter, or cerebrospinal fluid, this study explores the non-linear relation between different biomarkers (SPECT + biological) using deep learning and multivariate logistic regression. Striatal binding ratios (...)
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